How to protect you self for Dog or Animal Biting or Rabies

Dog or Animal Biting or Rabies

       Rabies is the most serious disease spread by animals

       This fatal disease is caused by a virus transmitted to the body of man by dogs, jackals, wolves and monkeys. Man becomes infected when he is bit-ten or scratched by an animal suffering from rabies. A mad dog has the highest possibility as a carrier of rabies. A rabid animal often scratches its mouth to remove saliva and thus infects its claws. Hence, there is danger from scratches as well as from dog bites. They symptoms of the disease do not develop for a long time- from there to eight weeks after the bite and if the Pasteur treatment is given before signs of the disease appear, the patient rarely gets rabies.


           In tropical countries like India, where rabies is common, a dog-bite must be reported to the doctor immediately. The doctor thoroughly cleans the wounds and tries to destroy any germs  that may be present. Then he decided whether the whether the Pasteur anti-rabies treatment is necessary. If the dog cannot be traced or if the dog is dead, he assumes that it was mad infected with rabies and the treatment is started immediately. If possible, the dog should be caught alive and unhurt and handed over to the health authorities to be kept under observation  for ten days.

                 If the dog still alive and well at the end of this period, then it means that it was not infected with rabies. If the dog was infected before it bite the patient, it will go mad and die within a few days. Then, the Pasteur treatment of the patient is necessary. It is known within ten days whether the Pasteur treatment is advisable, and there is still time for the treatment before the disease can actually develop.


          The Pasteur treatment was first introduced in 1885, when Pasteur found that the rabies virus, contained in the spinal cord of a mad dog, could be gradually weakened in the laboratory until it no longer caused death. The patient first receives an injection of the weakest virus. Then, day by day, he receives so much that he becomes immune and can resist the strongest virus from the mad dog.
              The best way to control rabies is to control the disease in dogs. A dog can only get rabies if it is bitten by an infected animal, usually another mad dog. Hence, if all doges in a large area muzzled for a sufficient period each year, no dog can be infected . If all the dog entering a country, are kept in strict vigilance for a week or so.

Symptoms of Patient 

  1. The patient losses his mental equilibrium and behaves strangely.
  2. He barks like a dog and fears from water ( Hydrophobia )
  3. Due to throat pain he cannot swallow the food.
  4. This madness of man is called hydrophobia.
