Drill And March
Drill word is synonymous to physical education. This word is taken from army. Any serial wise activity in army is know as drill. Generally all the drills are performed with the help of music or band. The drill is related with individual or collective physical activities.
The individual exercise if performed collectively is known as mass drill. The correct meaning of drill is the practice of arranged and serial wise physical activities carried out on a certain order.
Stages of Drill :- Following are the stage of drill :
1. Savdhan :- Body straight, face-up, eyes looking straight parallel to ground, first closed, hand straight, heels together making 30 Degree angle.
2. Vishram :- Lift the left leg 6 inches above the ground and take it to 12 inches left side. Put the body weight equally on both the legs and take the arms behind.
3. Aram Se :- The portion above the waist can be moved, no talking, the legs will remain still at its place.
4. Tej Chaal :- Left leg and right hand are to be taken out at a time and take the left hand rapidly backward from shoulder.
5. Tham :- Complete the step of left leg. Bring the right leg rapidly with left leg and bring the right arm rapidly with left leg and bring the right arm rapidly by the sides firmly.
6. Dahine Mud :- Turn at 90 Degree towards right side with the help of right heel and left toe keeping the arms by the sides firmly.
7. Bayen Mud :- Trun at 90 Degree towards left side with the help of left heel and right toe and bring the right leg to left leg rapidly.
8. Pichhe Mud :- Turn 180 Degree towards right side with the help of right heel and left toe and bring the left leg rapidly to the side of right leg.
Marching is an arranged method wherein co-ordination between Mana, Brain and body is practiced through certain prescribed activities in a definite sequence. The following activities should be practiced in marching :
- Keeping the arms and legs together in threes :- Three-Three students will stand in vishram Position in this stage. first there will a command of Savdhan And Bayen se Tej chal order will be given. The students will take their left leg forward. First heel then toe will touch the ground while taking the leg forward and students will bring right hand up to the shoulder height along with the left leg and the left leg will so straight to back side. The first will be half closed, elbow straight and chest up. The distance between steeps will be from 1 to 1&half feet.
On counting two, the right foot and left hand will come forward and right hand will go backward and right hand will go backward. Thus, practice will be done on counting 1-2 and 1-2. The practice of marching should be done by keeping the arms and legs together. Parade Thum command will be given after marching every ten steps to correct the mistakes of the students. This practice will make the students to march properly and rhythmically.
2. Dahine Dekh :- On the command of Dahine Dekh the students will turn their heads towards right in all the positions whether they are in standing position or in marching position expect the first student.
3. Sanbe Dekh :- The command is given at the time when students are in Dahine Dekh position. On this command all the students will rapidly turn their heads and eyes towards right side.
4. Khuli Line Chal :- Khuli line is necessary for the inspection of the parade. In Khuli Line the front line takes 1& half step forward and the back line takes 1&half step backward. The middle line stands still.