Management of Injuries in Physical Education

Management of Injuries 

    Participate in sports activities can lead to all sorts of injuries. In general life the injuries are not avoidable but the sports injuries are avoidable. Injuries occur inn sports person mostly due to lack of knowledge. It is know that most of the sports persons are not aware that how to prevent common sport injuries and what kind of first aid can be  given to the sportsmen and what kind of treatment should be given to that particular energy. 

                         Simple contusion to dislocations, abrasions, fractures, cuts and wounds may occur during such activities. In some risky sports like boxing, deaths take place.

        Accidents and injuries in games and sports program may occur due to many reasons. However, some of the sports injuries can be prevented by taking measures listed below.

        Soft Tissue Injuries- Signs and symptoms and their First Aid
              Soft tissue injuries may be classified in following groups.

1. Contusion  

 A direct hit or blow any where on the surface of the body, curing bleeding from                                  ruptured small capillaries below the skin, without any breaking of skin, is called contusion. In such cases, there is slight bleeding into muscular tissues while the outer skin remain unbroken. 
     Such injuries take place in sports like hockey, cricket, gymnastics, basketball, boxing etc.

Signs and symptoms:-
  1. There is discoloration under the skin. This starts from redness to turning blue or black gradually.
  2. Swelling and pain on the contused part. 
  3. Stiffness over the area.
General Treatment:-
  1. Apply a cold compression or ice or lint soaked in equal parts of spirit and water at the time of injury.
  2. Continuous massage three or four times a day.
  3. After three days, apply heat instead of ice massage and massage gently to reduce swelling.

2. Strain

    Strain is the result of stress or force applied on tissues. Application of force results in some deformity in tissues. This deformation is termed as strain. strain may also be termed  as an injury to muscles or tendons connected to the bones. Application of a violent or extra force may results in such injuries. 
               Such injuries take place in track and field, gymnastics, weight lifting and skiing etc.

Strains are of three types

  1. Mild. When there is a slight muscle pull without any tearing of muscle or tendon.
  2. Moderate. When there is slight tearing of muscle or tendon and there is some loss of strength.
  3. Severe. When the muscles or tendons rupture. In such a case, loss of strength is considerable.

Signs and symptoms 

  1. Pain in moving the body part such as arm or leg.
  2. Swelling in the area.
  3. Feeling as something problem inside.
  4. Loss of strength in movement.

General Treatment

  1. Stop any movement of the injuries part. Apply ice compression and take medical advice.
  2. For mild strain, use ice massage 3 to 4 times daily.
  3. After two days, stop ice massage and apply heat instead.
  4. Wrap the affected part by crape bandage.                

3. Sprain

    A sprain is a sudden stretching of the ligaments of a joint and is associated with pain and usually discoloration, which appears early from hemorrhage into the tissues. The ligaments sometimes become tense and get injured near the weak joints and bones. Sprains may occur at joint like knee, ankle, elbow joints etc.

The sprain may be classified :-
  1. Mild Sprain. In this type of strain there is slight tearing of some of the ligament fibers and there is so loss functions of joint.
  2. Moderate Sprain. In this type of sprain there is some rupture of ligaments and there is some loss of function.
  3. Severe Sprain. In this type of sprain there is total rupture of ligament and they are also separated from bone and total loss of any movement.

Signs and Symptoms :-
  1. Acute pain at the spot injuries.
  2. Swelling on the spot.
  3. Softness at the spot and pain on touching.
General Treatment :-
  1. Do not move the injured part. Consult a doctor and follow medical advice.
  2. In case of mild sprain, apply ice compression 3 to 4 times in a day for three days and cove the affected part by elastic crepe bandage after treatment.
  3. After three days apply heat.

4. Abrasion   

     Abrasion is a superficial injury or skin or mucous members due to rubbing or scrapping. It is normally a minor injury but can be serious if some foreign matter is stuck in it. It may be caused by a fall on a hard or rough surface.
            Such injuries occur in sports like wrestling, football, hockey, cricket, track and field etc.

Signs and symptoms:-
  1. Scraping of skin with some burning pain.
  2.  Some bleeding or oozing at the abrasion spot.
General Treatment:-
  1. Wash area of abrasion with soap and warm water.
  2. Take immediate medical assistance if some foreign material is struck deeply in the wound.
  3. Clean the apply antibiotic ointment.
  4. Cover the wound lightly during day time. Uncover it at night.
  5. If infection is suspected take medical assistance.

   5. Laceration

   A laceration is a wound in which the flesh has been irregularly torn.
   Skin is often subjected to uncaring treatment on the sports field. A laceration is a more serious injury described as a tearing on ripping of the skin and fatty tissues or muscles beneath it. A laceration is often associated with significant blood flow from the opening in the skin, as well as damage to the underlying structures.
      A laceration will often result in jagged edges to the affected skin and of sufficient depth that the blood flow from the opening is heavy. The repair of a laceration may require intricate suturing, and it may also result in a permanent scar.

         An athlete whose skin has been lacerated will often be restricted in both training and competition until the sutures have been removed. The ability of the skin to regenerate slows as the body ages, the healing time for a laceration will be longer for an older athlete.

Signs and symptoms:-
  1. Major blood leakage, crooked and sharp edges to the wound and a notable opening.
  2. It is important to see a professional for great importance for suturing the laceration. The risk of infection is due to the depth of the wound. Lacerations are generally bandaged, and the thlete can be out of training until the sutures are removed.

6. Incision 

     Doctor make incisions with a scalpel during surgeries. Additionally wounds causes by a knife, sharp glass or a rose thorn are incisions. Bone and joint injuries are often causes by falls, trauma or injury, bone and joint injuries can sometimes be serious encourage to require surgery. Surgery leads to incision.
          Incision pain is recognized in two different forms, physiologic pain and clinical pain. Physiologic pain comes and goes and is the result to experiencing an intense sensation. It often acts as a safety mechanism to warm individuals of danger, a burn, broken glass or animal scratch. Clinical pain in contrast is marked by hypersensitivity to painful stimuli around a localized site and is also felt in non-injured are nearby. When a patient undergoes surgery, tissues and nerve endings are traumatized, resulting in incision pain.
