What is the importance of Diet and Nutrition in our Body, Health.

Sports and Nutrition

Nutrition is present in all processes of life. Nutrition is the study of nutrients in food and how body uses nutrients and their relationship between diet, health and disease. 

Healthy Diet Chart

    Nutrition is the sum total of the process involved in taking in and the utilization of food substance by which growth, repair and maintenance of the body are accomplished. It involves ingestion, digestion, absorption and assimilation. Nutrients are stored by the body in various forms and drawn upon where the food intake is not sufficient. to keep our body cell running properly, food must be supplied with correct amount of right chemical in food. The chemicals in food, which are body needs, are called nutrients. 

Balanced Diet & Nutrition 

     Eating a balanced diet means choosing a wide variety of foods and drinks from all the food groups. It is the intake of appropriate types and adequate amount of foods and drinks to supply nutrition and energy for maintenance of body cells, tissues and organs and to support normal growth and development. It also means eating certain things in moderation, namely saturated fat, trans-fat, Cholesterol, refined sugar, salt and alcohol.
Balanced Diet

Importance of Diet 

  • Balanced diet nutrition diet provided the body with required energy for doing work which is lost in various activities. 
  • Carbohydrates and fat rich foods, are the energy giving foods.
  • It helps in repairing and rebuilding of the worm out tissues.
  • Protein are called "BODY BUILDING FOODS" Eggs, milk, fish, nuts, meat, pulses are the good examples of such food and they help in growth and development of the body.
  •  A balanced diet is the foundation of good health and well being of a person. It is importance to take a balanced and nutrition diet as it allows one to enjoy life by providing sufficient energy.
  • One feels less stressed and can achieve more in lesser period of time. One has less chance of illnesses.
  • Eating a nutritive and balanced diet helps one is not only to have sound sleep without the use of sleeping pills and makes one fell more fresh when one wakes up.
  • Balanced diet protect one from in many diseases boosts up our energy level and ensures one's body functions normally.

Factors Affecting Balanced Diet 

       A number of factors enter into the effectiveness of your overall diet and nutrition. The old saying, "you are what you eat" reflects the importance of eating a nourishing, well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for growth and development, organ function and strength and stamina. A balanced diet is the key to sound health.

       Diet depends on the following factors 

  1. Health and Growth status :-  If a person is in good state of health then you will have good diet but whereas an unhealthy individual cannot have a similar diet. In growing age we give good and nutritive food to kids. Sick people cannot take normal diet, so are given light diet. A pregnant women requires more nutrition food than growing fetus.
  2. Gender:-  Males' diet is more than females. As males weigh more than females, their requirement or intake of diet more than females. The metabolic rate in males is more than females and hence their daily requirement of calories is more than females. Men do more strenuous work than females and hence require more energy.
  3. Age (infant, adolescent, aged) :-Diet differs from age to age. Young one need different types of food both in quality and quantity as compared to older people who need less diet in less quantity and lesser fat content. An infant requires more protein per kilogram of body weight than an  adolescent, since their metabolic rate is much faster than those that of adolescent.
  4. Type and Duration of Activity:-Diet also depends on types of activity that a person does and its time period. An athlete requires more calories than a sedentary worker like an office clerk. A sedentary person requires light food whereas a laborer, a sportsperson, a worker, who does 8-10 hours hard work requires good diet.
  5. Climatic Factors "-People eat different foods in different climates. In summers we eat light diet but in winters our calorie intake increases. Similarly, People living in different climates zones have different foods. We require more food in winters quantity of fat and protein increases in our diet, Which helps us in keeping warm. But in summers we take a balanced diet which has less fat content.
  6. Psychological Considerations :-Some of the psychological factors affect the diet, like how the food is cooked? Or what is the taste of food? If the meal is tasty, then everybody likes to have it.
