Bleeding,bleeding from artery


                           Bleeding can occur due to any serious impact during accidents. It may be coming out               from any part of the body injured in accident. Generally bleeding is the state of bursting of blood capillaries or vessels releasing the profuse amount of blood incessantly. Even when our finger cut with sharp knife or blade is started bleeding profusely. When some serious accident happen, bleeding may occur from any part of body, having the serve injuries or internal input of it. Sometimes the arteries are cut down during these accidents which even cause death of the injured person due to hemorrhage. The person may be unconscious, of faint in this state of shock.

Bleeding is of two types :
  1. External Bleeding
  2. Internal Bleeding

      When the blood discharged from an external organ of the body. It is called external bleeding. It can be directly diagnosed and seen through eyes. A first Aider should know about the differences of bleeding from blood capillaries, vessels or arteries as well as movement of blood. It helps in providing immediate treatment by controlling the flow of blood.

Bleeding From Artery

     Artery is the  main supplier of blood from heart to different organs of the body. Therefore, it contains pure and shinning red colour blood in it. The flow is from heart towards the body parts. When an artery damage or cut down the blood discharges profusely with regular disturbances and jolts.


         In case of bleeding from an artery, the First Aider should be given the following treatment:
  1. Immediately calm down the patient and laid down him in sleeping posture from back side. In sitting posture the more amount of blood has been discharges.
  2. Keep high position of the organ discharging the blood. It should be kept high than the position of heart in order to reserve the speedy flow of the blood in an artery.
  3. First Aider Should put a high pressure on the pressure point of the artery in order to stop the flow of blood. 
  4. After putting the cotton on the pressure  point, it should be bounded with turnicate immediately.
  5. When a piece of glass, coal or any other metal etc. has been interested in bleeding place, remove it carefully first and wash the wound with disinfectants, if possible.
  6. Apply tincture iodine or alum powder dissolved in water and tie a bandage over it.
  7. When bone is also fractured and bleeding has been going on, take all the precautions and given it a temporary support. In this case keep the bandage or turnicate loose.
  8. After each 10-15 minutes, keep loosing the turnicate in order to avoid numbness in the bleeding place.
  9. Even on such treatment if the blood is not stopped, call a doctor immediately.

Bleeding From Blood-Vessels

             When a blood-vessel injured or cut, it also sheds blood profusely. This blood is coming out constantly without jerks. The blood is impure and red-bluish in colour. Its direction of flow is form heart towards body parts.


       The following First-Aid treatment should be given to the patient or injured person.
  1. Keep alight the body organ, where the blood vessel get injured in smashed and shedding the blood.
  2. Put comfortable pressure on the pressure point in order to check the flow of blood towards the blood vessel.
  3. Apply tincture iodine or water solution of Alum in order to check the blood through coagulation.
  4. Tie the body part with Tourniquet bandage.
  5. Where the tourniquet cannot apply link stomach of throat, give ice-fermentation to the injured part of the body.
  6. Follow the above given other instructions as in case of bleeding from artery. 

Bleeding From Capillaries

       Blood-capillaries are the fine network of blood vessels. They supply blood to different part of the body. They are easily injured or cut down to doing small jobs in kitchen, tailoring or cleaning. Even pricking of alpin can shed enough blood from our finger tip. So, is the case when we are using blade, piercing instruments or crushing of our body parts.


   The First aider can given the following treatment in case of bleeding from capillaries.
  1. Immediately press the place with his thumb to check the flow of blood for a few minutes.
  2. Keep the body part in upward directions to maintain anti-flow of blood in capillaries.
  3. Apply tincture iodine, when the cut is severe or use Alum powder to check the flow of blood.
  4. When the cut is only on the upper surface the blood should be checked within 10-15 minutes.
  5. When the cut is of severe nature of deep, it is the possibility that it has cut down the blood vessel, therefore, follow all the preceding instructions carefully.

Nose Bleeding

        In case of bleeding from nose, the patient should be seated in a drought of air. He should be shifted at the properly ventilated place like open door or window. The head of the patient should be titled back and the arms raised above the head.
        During the nose bleeding, the patient should be advised to breathe from the mouth. Loose all the tight clothes around the neck of the patient.

       An ice-cold pack should be applied over the nose and on the spine at the level of the collar. The feet of the patient should be placed in Luke-warm water. The injured person should be warned not to blow his nose.

Ear Bleeding 

Ear bleeding in case of accident indicates a fracture of the base of the skull. In such cases though the natural temptation will be to plug the ear with cotton-wool or dressing, it should not be done. Instead, the patient's head should be inclined towards the injured. Side, and a dry dressing applied over the ear lobe and bandages lightly.
