What is the Knock Knees? What is the solution of Knock Knees.II What is the Knock Knees in Physical Education?
Knock Knees
Knock-Knee is the inward turning of the knees. It is a condition in which the knee angle in and touch one another when the legs are straightened. Individuals with serve vagus deformities are typically unable to touch their feet together while simultaneously straightening the legs. The Term originates from the Latin genus, "Knee" and vagus which actually means bent outwards, but in this case, it is used to describe the distal portion of the knee joint which bends outwards.
Mild Knock knees can be seen in children from ages 2 to 5 and is often corrected naturally as children grow. However, the condition may continue or worsen with age, particularly when it is the result of a disease such as rickets or obesity.
People with knocks knee usually also have collapsed inner arches of their feet and their inner ankle bones are lower than their outer ankle bones. To correct knock knees, you need to work on the whole leg, especially
People with knocks knee usually also have collapsed inner arches of their feet and their inner ankle bones are lower than their outer ankle bones. To correct knock knees, you need to work on the whole leg, especially
- Activating and developing the arches of their feet,
- Walking up the inner leg muscles, and
- Learn how to move the inner bone inwards towards to outer ankle bone and upwards towards the knee.
Working with a body balance specialist like a good physio, yoga teacher will teach us how to use the leg muscles properly to support the bone structure.
Adults with uncorrected knock knee are typically prone to injury and chronic knee problems as osteoarthritis and in some cases total knee replacement surgery may be required later in life to relive pain and complications resulting from serve genu valgum.
Causes of Knock-Knees
The root cause of knock knees is the weakness of muscles and ligaments and in some cases softness of bones in the region. Our Knees bear the whole body weight and so the muscles and ligaments of this region need to be strong and properly toned. But sometimes weakness of these muscles and ligaments causes or leads of this deformity. Richest, obesity and malnutrition, deficiency of vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus also leads to knock knees. Carrying Heavy weights at an early age may also lead to knock knees.
Remedies for knock knees
Generally, to remove this deformity is very difficult. But one can extra care while standing, weight bearing and walking. Some exercise can help remove this problem, but for the results to the favorable one has to detect it early, like in childhood generally between 2 to 5 years. If the child has rickets then he should not be allowed to walk, till the problem is rectified, sometimes walking calipers may prove to be beneficial. Even performing yoga asanas like gomukhasana and padmasana regularly may help. Some say that horse riding is one of the best exercises for correction of knock knees. Hopping and holding the ball in between knees also helps. Walking along straight line by keeping one's toes facing inwards also helps in prevention of knock knees. Sometimes walking on an outward inclined surface and by applying pressure on the outer edges of the feet can help in prevention of knock knees.
The following asans in yoga can prove very beneficial in treating knock knees.
- Salabhasana on the Locust pose. This Asana or pose works mainly on the lower part of one's body. It helps to strengthen one's and tones them and even helps in relieving stress. This asana seems like very easy posture but it is not as easy as it looks, but also helps in improving one's posture.
- Trikosana or the triangle pose. this asana or the pose strengthens and stretches your legs muscles and knees. It relieves tension from your muscles and is very helpful in improving the condition of knock knees.
- Virabhadra asana or the warrior pose 1. This asana or pose focuses and targets one's shoulders, chest, lung, neck, stomach, thighs, groin, knees calves and ankles by stretching and strengthening them. It helps in treatment of knock knees and sciatica.
- Virabhadra asana or the warrior pose 2. This asana or pose helps in strengthening and stretching the chest, shoulders, groin, lungs, legs, knees and ankles. It helps in increasing one's stamina and stimulates one's stomach muscles. This asana helps in treating knock knees, back pain, flat, feet, osteoporosis, sciatica, carpel tunnel syndrome.
Good and thanks for sharing the details.