How to reduce the Risk of Sports Injuries?

 Basic Steps to Reduce the Risk Of Sports Injuries

  1.  Overall conditioning is essential, it can help athletes/sportsperson avoid injury, rehabilitation and shortens the "Down Time" of Athletes and Sports person.
  2. Sportsperson should work with coaches and athlete / sport strainers expect around the year to ensure they maintain their condition with appropriate exercises and nutrition.
  3. Sportsperson should focus on developing muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular fitness and flexibility.
  4. Sportsperson practicing or playing in warmer climate should become used to high levels of activity in hot weather. Practice should be held easily in the morning to noon.
  5. Good diet and nutrition is a must. Incorporate the basic food groups i.e., fruits, grains, dairy, meat/fish/poultry. A sportsperson diet should also be high complex carbohydrates.
  6. Every sportsperson should receive a pen participation physical examination including a general medical examination and an orthopedic examination.
  7. Limit workout and practices to maximum 2 hrs.
  8. Right before an event, sportsperson should hydrate with electrolyte fluids and reduce the risk of dehydration.

  9. All sportsperson should use appropriate equipment that fits properly in practice as well as competition.
  10. Fluid breaks should be offered at least every 45 minutes and sportsperson should be entitled to constituted amounts of fluids to help prevent dehydration and other forms of heat.
  11. Ice should be available on the sideline of every game/ match and Practice to apply to approprite injuries.
  12. Every institute should be encouraged to develop an Injury Protection Manual that documents how injuries will be handled.
  13. Every institute with a sports programme should have a written emergency plan that is reviewed regularly and addresses every level of medical care.
  14. Physical coaches/ education should be certified in first aid.
  15. The physical education/sports department should be encouraged to have a medical care for every sportsperson in the institute/ department/ college/ University.   
