Weight Lifting : Power Games, Deep Knowledge & Fundamental Skills of Weight Lifting

 Weight Lifting 



  In weight lifting strength and speed are combined to lift heavy weight above the head with straight arms. Weight lifting is very popular among men and many perform this of body building and to increase specific strength. Although weight lifting was included in the first modern era Olympic games in Athens   ( 1896) . But it became an official sport ( for men) only a the Antwerp Olympic Games (1920 ). It is regulated by an International Weightlifting Fedration ( IWF ). The sport comprises of 2 types of lifts, in various body-weight categories. The first World Championship took place in 1987. In the Sydney Olympics ( 2000), the Chinese women have most of the weightlifting records.

Rules of the Competition

    Weight lifting involves two types of lifts; "Snatch" and "Clean and Jerk".
Athletes compete in different categories ( based on their body weight ). Weight lifters announce their starting weight and have three attempts per weight. Weights must be increased at least 2.5 kg after successful lift. Weightlifters have 1 minutes to begin their lift after their name is announced. The winner of the competition is the one who has lifted the highest total weight in the two types of lifts.

Tips of Remember

  1. Weight of Bar                       = 20 kg of 2.2 m length with 28 mm thickness
  2. Diameter of plate                  = 45 cm ( 25 kg, 20 kg, 15 kg ) plates
  3. Platform                                = 4 m X 4 m (wooden surface ) with 6 cm thick planks

Weight-lifters Categories                Men               Women

  • Fly Weight                                                              52 kg                             44 kg
  • Bantom Weight                                                       56 kg                             48 kg 
  • Feather Weight                                                        60 kg                             52 Kg 
  • Light Weight                                                            67.5 Kg                         56 Kg
  • Middle Weight                                                         75 kg                             60 kg 
  • Light heavy weight                                                  82.5 kg                          67.5 kg
  • Middle Heavy weight                                               90 kg                             75 kg
  • Heavy Weight                                                           100 kg                            82.5 kg
  • Super heavy weight                                               110 kg and above             90 kg and above


       Although the techniques differ for 'Snatch' and 'Clean and Jerk' yet the weightlifter muscular actions are almost the same for both lifts. The snatch technique is the most difficult since the weightlifter must raise the weight to its maximum height in sudden one movement.

   ( Snatch )

  1. Start of Lift :- Weight lifter applies maximum strength to begin the upward movement.
  2. Clean :- Weight is pulled upward so that weight-lifter s;ides under the bar.
  3. Transfer under the bar :- He raises the bar over the head and straightens his arms is squat position.
  4. Final push :- Weight lifter locks his arm joint to control the weight over his head at the same time he raises his body and takes standing position.

   ( Clean And Jerk )

  1. Start of the lift :-  Maximum effort is applied to begin the movement. It is same like snatch but the grip is not wide.
  2. Clean :- The upward movement is performed with the help of thigh and back muscles. Bar is lifted up-to shoulder height.
  3. Transfer under the bar :- Weight lifter stabilizes his weight by squatting down position for final jerk.
  4. Final Jerk :- Weight lifter opens up his arms and legs with a fast jerk and straightens his body by balancing his position for 5 seconds.


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